Tab Teams

Adult Education:
The Adult Education Team have two sub-groups Tab.EDU and Bible Study. – Leads and organizes Tab’s adult education program.
Bible Study – Examines the lectionary texts for the week.
Building & Grounds
Helps to maintain our beautiful building.
Designs internal and external communications, including the newsletter, website, social media, advertising and brochures.
FUN! Group
Plan community-building activities to help deepen connections among Tab folks.
Organizes service and advocacy opportunities—as well as public events to connect with neighbors and specific groups like families and LGBTQ folks.
Supports and reviews staff. Recruits and hires new staff when needed. Assists with human resources needs.
Conducts the annual stewardship campaign and shepherds the budget process, including the mission spending
Coordinates meals, transportation, and visits, within congregation in times of need such as illness or surgery.
Conducts quarterly orientation for all interested in learning more about Tab. Follows up with visitors. Connects people to people.
Plans the worship themes and special services.
Christian Education
Enables the children to be themselves and feel the community through the Sunday School program.